A site that allows you to create a profive and build your own anime list! you can rate/ comment/ reveiv the anime and add your own css to your list!! highly reccomended!
picsartonline version os picsart. good for stickers!
glitter graphicsHuge collection of graphics for your website! most of my graphics come from there!
vgpersons gamesamazing collection of rpg translations for free download!! features miwashiba, deep sea prizoner and more :333
cwckiChris chan heaven
anatomia libraryextensive collection of old anatomy drawings, super cool!!
j-magazine archivesscans of various j-magizines!
windows skinpacksskins for windows! i use the windows 98 one :3
themebeta.comchrome custom theme builder! makes your browser adorable (or creepy!!!)
freem.nerandom games?? i dont use this one a whole lot...
picrew.meamazing avatar maker site, pretty sure you can make your own avatar maker too!!
meikeranother avatar maker!
oldgamesfinder.comfinds old games ;3
glitterphotomaker.netmakes glitter gifs from images, super adorable!!
textanim.commakes custom text gifs for your site ;3
picasion.comalso makes text gifs for you website, i like the glitter on this one :O
coolsymbol.comcool text symbols and emojis!!1!!11
blinkie makermake a blinkie :0
textspace.netmore blinkies lol
logo blinkie makerthis ones my fave <3 make aborable blinkies
88x31neocities site dedicated to buttons
alphacoders.comgreat resorce for gifs!!
totallyfreecursors.comcursors that are totally free ;3
freecursors$u.commore cursors!! theres some really nice vocaloid ones in the anime section :P
styledollz.coma really good site for making retro style avatars <3
os tan wikiwiki dedicated to os-tan's
visual novel database.orghuge selection of visual novels with download links, tons of launguages too :3
mapofmetal.comepic map of metal subgenres through the years
http://toastytech.com/cool retro tech site :p